April 26 at the Republican International Center of Uzbekistan (International Cultural Centre) a solemn meeting and a seminar on "Legacy of Gabdulla Tukai and modernity", in honor of the 130th anniversary of the great Tatar poet and thinker Gabdulla Tukai and "Tatar Language Day" was held.
Earlier, the events in the Arsk region devoted to Gabdulla Tukai were held in New Kyrlay. This year, much attention has been paid also to the native village of the poet Koshlauch.
On April 24, at the national-cultural center "Kazan", a working session "New Projects, finding use in the education system of the Tatar people" for the leaders of women's organizations in the framework of the IV World Forum of Tatar women.
April 15 at a culture Topkapi park in Istanbul took place a creative conference devoted to the 130th anniversary of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukai.
April 16, 2016, at the Republican Center of Tatar culture First International Festival – Contest of Dance Art of the Turkic peoples "Shoma bass" ( "Easy dancing")