February 14, 7 girls and 7 youths - finalists of the IX open regional competition "Star of Siberia" and "Dzhigit" - 2016 - arrived at the "Vityaz" vacation camp.
By decree of the Ministry of Culture of the Omsk region on March 3, 2016, the title of "People's" has been awarded to a studio of Tatar creativity "Almaz" of Regional Public Organization of the Tatar national-cultural autonomy of the Omsk region "Madaniat".
But in our case it is the cultural event of the federal and international level. It is no exaggeration to say that the program "Kazan Treasure" premiered by the ensemble "Kazan" – an uncommon event in the life of Tatarstan and Russia.
March 16-18, 2016, the World Congress of Tatars Executive Committee holds the V All-Russian gathering of entrepreneurs from Tatar villages of the Russian Federation and Tatarstan regions.
At the central city library named after A.G. Turkin in Verkhny Ufaleye settlement (Chelyabinsk oblast ) lessons of the Tatar language are held for everyone.
The Buzdyaksky district of Bashkortostan hosted a fete pf Tatar national cake "Belesh Bayram". As Info Agency "Bashinform" reports the event was held in celebration of Mother Language Day.