November 19, with the support of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the Tatar-Bashkir national-cultural center "Piter Buylary", together with the restaurant "Marius" opening the Days of Tatar cuisine in St. Petersburg took place.
On November 18-19, the famous writer, a member of the Executive Committee of World Congress of Tatars Fauzia Bairamov held a series of meetings in Baltasinsky district of Tatarstan, met with shakirds of the Baltasinsky madrassa in the mosque, read out them a lecture on the history and literature of the Tatars.
November 17, 2015, at the Kazan State Conservatory. Named after N.G. Zhiganov, a special defense of master's thesis was held. Significance of the event not only in the fact that for the first time a scientific work on Tatar harmonica was presented, but also the personality of the author.
November 20, at the Palace of martial arts "Ak Bars" in Kazan, the opening ceremony of the world championship on wrestling "Koresh" and world championship wrestling on belts will be held.
The objective of this conference - to bring together researchers, teachers and educators, local historians, museum professionals, community leaders, veterans of war, labor and armed forces, university students and pupils of schools, lyceums and colleges in the city of Kazan and regions of the Republic of Tatarstan in understanding the importance of studying the history and culture of Tatarstan and the peoples of the Volga-Urals region, educating the young generation in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism.
In Taldykorgan, in the conference hall of the KGU "Friendship House - Center for Public Accord", a meeting of writers of Kazakhstan and Tatarstan took place.
November 20, in the village Sarabikulovo of the Leninogorsk rayon of Tatarstan an All-Russian Scientific, Local History Conference titled "Man and Nature in Leninogorsk region and South-East Tatarstan.
The center of Tatar culture "Duslyk" in Kemerovo city participated with the program "Tatar-City" in the performance "Palace coup. Around the world for 3 hours" in a nationwide project" Night of the Arts ".
With a content of the seven-volume "History of the Tartars" it is possible to get acquainted on the official website of the Institute of History named after Sh. Marzhdani, RT Academy of sciences