Home / News / Danis Shakirov reported on the work of the World Congress of Tatars for 2021
Danis Shakirov reported on the work of the World Congress of Tatars for 2021

Danis Shakirov reported on the work of the World Congress of Tatars for 2021

An expanded meeting of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars took place today. The meeting was attended by 135 people, including 75 members of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars, 60 representatives of the Tatar community. Due to the sanitary and epidemiological situation, the event was held online.

Danis Shakirov, reporting on the activities of the World Congress of Tatars for 2021, spoke about the meetings of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars Vasil Shaikhraziev with leaders and representatives of Tatar public associations in cities of federal districts.

“During these meetings, which took place in seven federal districts of Russia, goals were defined, tasks were set, issues of concern to the Tatar community were raised before the leadership of the regions,” the head said.

According to Danis Shakirov, such events contributed to the solution of many problems that worried the Tatars for many years. For example, an office was allocated to the Tatar organization in Yakutia, a Tatar culture center was opened in Novosibirsk, a Tatar house in Buryatia, a building was allocated to the Tatar cultural center in Rostov-on-Don, and land was allocated for a Tatar cemetery in the Bolsherechensky district of the Omsk region.

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