Home / News / Festival of Tatar youth of Siberia
Festival of Tatar youth of Siberia

Festival of Tatar youth of Siberia

Today at the Concert Hall of the city Berdsk of the Novosibirsk Region the VII festival of Siberian Tatar youth (SFTM) opens.

The festival is held for the purpose of cultural and national unity of Tatar youth in Siberia; promotion and dissemination of Tatar culture, traditions and customs of the Tatar youth; information exchange in the field of youth policy, culture, education and media; strengthening cultural and business ties between the Tatar organizations of Novosibirsk region and the cities of Siberia; engaging young people in creative and cultural social work.

The festival is attended by delegations from the Tatar youth regions and cities of the Novosibirsk region of Siberia.

The program includes a round table, lectures, seminars, discussions, quizzes, meetings with famous Tatar personalities, master classes in the Tatar language, vocal, national dance, acting, arts and crafts, sports, etc. October 19

at the Palace of Culture of the October Revolution of Novosibirsk a gala-concert “Youth of Siberia, Alga” takes place.

The founder of the festival: the Ministry of Culture of the Novosibirsk region.

Organizers of the festival: Novosibirsk regional Tatar Cultural Center, Regional Tatar National-Cultural Autonomy of the Novosibirsk Region, Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, Federal National Cultural Autonomy of Russian Tatars.

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