Home / News / Ilyas Khazrat Ziganshin spoke at the plenary session of the XI All-Russian Forum of Tatar Religious Figures
Ilyas Khazrat Ziganshin spoke at the plenary session of the XI All-Russian Forum of Tatar Religious Figures

Ilyas Khazrat Ziganshin spoke at the plenary session of the XI All-Russian Forum of Tatar Religious Figures


On June 3, within the framework of the XI All-Russian Forum of Tatar Religious Figures “National Life and Religion”, the work of discussion platforms was organized. The results of the activity were summed up at today’s plenary session.

The head of the Kazan Higher Muslim Madrasah named after the 1000th anniversary of the adoption of Islam Ilyas Hazrat Ziganshin summed up the work of the discussion platform dedicated to the study of the spiritual heritage of our people. Hazrat stressed that the speeches of the delegates were devoted to the study of tombstones as historical and cultural monuments, the organization of historical museums, the collection of samples of old letters, the popularization of national crafts.

As a result of the work of the discussion platform, the delegates put forward the following proposals: at the state level, take measures to preserve ancient gravestones, involve scientists and religious leaders in the study and identification of gravestones, create state programs to popularize national crafts, organize a system of national educational historical museums in each region, to organize work to identify samples of the writing of the Tatar people.

Ilyas-khazrat Ziganshin also expressed his opinion about the role of the imam-khazrats as people who are an example for believers.

“We must educate disciples who will selflessly work for the good of their people. Only in this way will we grow up individuals who determine our national identity. The clergy should become a beacon on the path of educating the younger generation, ”stressed Ilyas-khazrat Ziganshin.



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