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Meeting in Uray with  participation of  delegation from Kazan  held

Meeting in Uray with  participation of  delegation from Kazan  held



Urai was visited by a delegation from Kazan. It was headed by Lenaria Radikovna Muslyumova, Chairman of the World Forum of Tatar Youth and Bulat Raimovich Rakhimzyanov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Institute of History named after Sh.Mardzhani Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In the format of  round table, a meeting was held with the activists of the National – Cultural Autonomy of the Tatars, the Tatar youth of the city of Urai, representatives of public organizations of neighboring territories – Soviet, Pionersky, Nyagan.The participants discussed a global topic – national identity among youth.

The main speaker of the round table was Lenaria Muslyumova, who for the first time visited Ugra and Uray. Modern technologies today make it possible to compose a portrait of a representative of the Tatar youth of any territory without being directly there. Lenaria, thanks to the subscribers of her accounts, summed up that Ugra is a compact territory for Tatars, but in her opinion, they need to indicate their identification. The purpose of her visit was to acquaint the Uray people with educational projects, festivals and forums.

The round table was attended by Marat Akchurin, deputy of the Duma of the city of Urai, Rustam Minikayev, chairman of the National – Cultural Autonomy of the Tatars, imam – hatym Abdulkhalim Hazrat. Each of them noted the importance of the topic under discussion.

“I must admit, the language is, unfortunately, disappearing. Our children speak it less and less. However, we must keep our traditions and customs. Tell our children about the exploits of men like Musa Jalil. Returning home, we must talk in families in the Tatar language. This is the minimum that every Tatar can fulfill. Arriving home, say not: “Hello, son!”, “Salyәm, ulym!”. This way we will preserve our Tatar identity. I am glad that for the first time in our city a meeting is being held with  participation of modern Tatar youth, ”said Marat Akchurin.

Rustam Minikayev stressed: “Language and clergy are two pillars, the foundation on which society is supported. I drew certain conclusions about what the autonomy should work on. First of all, to carry out a great deal of work with children and youth to preserve their native culture, traditions and continuity of generations. In 2020, the city of Urai signed a Cooperation Agreement with the city of Leninogorsk. I propose to include in the resolution of the round table  holding of a wide range of events for the mutual enrichment of the Tatar culture among the youth between our municipalities. ”

Imam – khatym Abdulkhalim khazrat noted that the Tatar identity allows the preservation of Islam. The priorities of the work always pay great attention to the study of the Tatar language. He outlined the prospect of opening a Spiritual Culture Center at the Cathedral Mosque in Urai.The participants of the round table discussed the possibilities of holding an intermunicipal forum of Tatar youth in Uray with the support of the World Forum of Tatar Youth. The idea was supported by representatives of public organizations from neighboring territories.

The leader of the Tatar youth turned out to be an interesting interlocutor, she talked about her studies, social activities, work experience in the UAE, about the city of her dreams – Kazan. Lenaria Muslimova outlined the prospects of work: “In April it is planned to organize the World Action“ Tatarcha Dictation ”, in August – the congress of the World Forum of Tatar Youth. The final of the competition “Tatar kyzy”, the final round of the Tatar league of KVN “are timed to it.  The second stage of the round table was showing the documentary film “Tungan Yak” about the life of European Tatars. This was followed by a discussion, moderated by Bulat Raimovich Rakhimzyanov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Institute of History. Sh.Mardzhani of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. The outcome of the round table was the adoption of decisions on the formation of Tatar identity in the city of Urai.



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