Home / News / Tatar culture is being studied in the Kurgan region
Tatar culture is being studied in the Kurgan region

Tatar culture is being studied in the Kurgan region

Children’s summer shifts continue in the Chumlyak Recreation and Development Complex. Participants of the Tatar shift begin to study the culture and subtleties of their people. What is the best thing to do on the first day of training? That’s right, start by learning your own language!

Tugan tel is a profile change of Tatar cultures with the study of the Tatar language, history and folklore.

Of course, the very basics are letters and the alphabet! So, today the guys learned that there are as many as 36 characters in the Tatar language! Starting with each letter and in order, they began their studies in both oral and written formats.

And after the letters come the whole word! Yes, today the participants immediately began to study their own language closely, repeating every word in the Tatar language.

And all this is followed by numbers. Studying the score, the guys began to repeat not only units, but also went further, adding more difficult tens and hundreds.

Our guys are great fellows, they work with great pleasure! “It’s a lot of fun and not at all boring here,” young friends say.

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