Home / News / The First  Forum of Tatar Women of the Novosibirsk Region held
The First  Forum of Tatar Women of the Novosibirsk Region  held

The First  Forum of Tatar Women of the Novosibirsk Region held

Organizers: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, PA “Regional Tatar National – Cultural Autonomy of the Novosibirsk Region”, PA “Federal National – Cultural Autonomy of Tatars” with  support of  Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars, GBUK NSO “Novosibirsk Regional Tatar Cultural Center”, GBUK RT “Tatarkino”

The Forum was attended by delegations of women from 8 districts of the Novosibirsk region. The purpose of this event was to consolidate Tatar women living in the Novosibirsk region; to interest them in this project, movement towards  studying , preservation of Tatar culture, history, traditions, customs, the Tatar language and literature in families and educational institutions. Each district and village with a compact settlement of Tatars received methodological material for work, as well as flash drives with selected scenario developments, demonstration and audio materials, etc. At the plenary session of the Forum, the delegates actively discussed, shared their work experience, their plans and problems, suggested solutions to each other, and had constructive conversations. The delegates of the Forum noted that the meetings with a visiting psychologist, conference calls with a public figure, master classes on applied art and work in a video editor were important for themselves. The goals and objectives set for the Forum were achieved in full.

The delegates of the Forum unanimously decided to hold  Forum of Tatar Women of the Novosibirsk Region once every two years. To control the implementation of all plans outlined at the plenary meeting, a coordinating council was elected, which included representatives of each of the present districts of the region and the city of Novosibirsk.

An excursion to a memorable place in the Novosibirsk region to  the ancient settlement of Chat Tatars in the village of Yurt-Ora, Kolyvan district allowed the Forum delegates, using   example of the presented museum complex, to get a clear picture of the implementation of large-scale projects by attracting active residents, grants, subsidies and sponsors.

At the evening of acquaintances “Tanyshu kichuse” women not only met, but also talked about their activities, which was the reason to contact each other with specific questions and ask for advice on solving problems on the ground.

After  screening of two short films from Tatarkino, heated discussions flared up, the cause of which was the topic of women’s destinies raised by the authors. The conference call with  director of Tatarkino Milyausha Lyabibovna Aytuganova made it possible to hear about  making of films and ask questions, some of which were answered by women.

The participation in the solemn part of  Forum of representatives from the Government of the Novosibirsk region and the city hall of Novosibirsk, as well as from international organizations became significant. Video congratulations from the World Public Organization of Tatar Women “Ak Kalfak” and the Ulyanovsk region were shown. The delegates realized how important and necessary  are such forums.


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