Home / News / World famous Islamic scientist visited the graves of Tatar theologians
World famous Islamic scientist visited the graves of Tatar theologians

World famous Islamic scientist visited the graves of Tatar theologians

These days, one of the largest modern specialists in aqid, ilm al-kalam, logic and usul al-fiqh, Sheikh Said Fuda, is staying in Tatarstan. A world-renowned scientist came to Russia to give lectures at the Bulgarian Islamic Academy and to meet with the Mufti of Tatarstan Kamil Khazrat Samigullin.

As part of his visit to Kazan, the scientist visited the Tatar cemetery in the Novo-Tatar settlement of Kazan, where prominent Tatar theologians, imams and scholars such as Shigabutdin Mardzhani, Akhmazaki Hazrat Safiullin, Zakaria Hazrat Minvaliev, Shaykhulislam Khamidi, Galimidzhandi, Galimiri Dr. Sheikh recited the verses of the Holy Qur’an and performed du’a at the graves for the repose of the souls of famous Tatar religious figures, educators and Muslim scholars who found their last refuge here.

The Sheikh is familiar with the works of Tatar scientists, in particular, with the work of Mardzhani. In addition, his student prepared a book by Ahmad Hadi Maksudi for publication.

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