Kostroma land is traditionally a multi-ethnic region. Its territory is inhabited by more than 100 ethnic groups. Gulfiya Khafizova has been living in the village of Kurnovo of the Kostroma region for many years, she is well known here, she is very friendly with people. Gulfiya Mubarakovna is Tatar. In her father’s house parents spoke only in the Tatar language, ...
This anniversary date allows us to estimate the development of languages in a multicultural republic of the multinational Russian Federation. There is a point of view that, well, one must not worry about the languages, which sooner or later become extinct, so, it is enough to know English and Russian, and possibly Chinese, to walk boldly across the Earth in ...
The 20th Anniversary of the World Congress of Tatars is being celebrated by the veterans and the current leaders and activists of the Tatar nation, wherever they may live.