The House of minorities of Klaipeda in Lithuania hosted a holiday devoted to the 110 anniversary of the great Tatar poet - hero of the Soviet Union - Musa Jalil. This literary-musical composition – conformation of the immortality of the great poet - patriot.
Chairman of the Cultural Society of Narva Tatars Maryam Malysheva was awarded the medal of the World Congress of Tatars "For great services to the Tatar people." The award ceremony was held in Kazan, at the expanded meeting of the World Congress of Tatars and the Business Forum at the end of last year.
On February 28, Tatar school of arts held a competition of the Tatar national cuisine, dedicated to the birthday of the outstanding chef and popularizer of the Tatar national cuisine Yunus Akhmetzyanov.
February 24, the activists of Penza representative public organization of Tatar women "AK KALFAK" were invited to a regular meeting of the Executive Committee of Tatar autonomy of the Penza region. The agenda has been marked by a number of very important tasks.
February 27, the society of Tatar culture in the Estonian maakonde (county) Ida-Virumaa is preparing to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Festival will be held at the House of Culture of the Kohtla-Jarve town.
Historians of Tatarstan for more than 10 years have been working with Romanian scientists -Tatars, wrote the famous historian, archaeologist Albert Burkhanov.
The state budget Institution of culture (GBUK) "Tatarkino" is preparing the project "The wealth of the Republic", including a new layer of modern Russian cinema and movies of the regional production. A platform for the implementation of the ideas will be the cinema "Mir", institution partners, parks and squares of the city and the art space.
February 15, the birthday of Musa Jalil, in the park, at the intersection of Timiryazev and Pushkin streets a rally dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the poet, Hero of the Soviet Union, a laureate of the State Prize was held.