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Рубрика: Culture

Holiday of the Tatar folklore in a village Kamaevo of the Vysokogorsky municipal region

May 30, 2015, In the Iske – Kazansky State historical-cultural and natural museum-reserve, located in a village of Kamaevo of the Vysokogorsky municipal region a big celebration of Tatar folklore to be held with the participation of laureates and winners of the National Festival of Tatar folklore "Iske Kazan tugyaryak ueny" which on this day will held III round selection in the Shapshinskoy rural House of Culture, and then come to the holyday.

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Tatar Opera and Ballet Theatre with great success performed on the scene of Bolshoi Theatre

April 18, a legendary dancer and choreographer Vladimir Vasilyev turned 75 years old. In honor of his anniversary, at the historic Bolshoi Theatre of Russia the play «DONA NOBIS PACEM» (production by M. Jalil Tatar Academic State Opera and Ballet) choreography by V.V.Vasilev took place. We remind that the world premiere was performed on April 14 and 15, 2015, in Kazan.

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