On this day there, here will gather masters of the festive of halal industry. The main conof0Yc96jMlUtingent, who are awaited for the exhibition by organizers - Muslim couples intending to marry.
Traditional and large-scale competition to a new level – now it will be broadcast live to the whole world. And even the preparatory stage – life in a rustic camp will be available online. Open regional competition “Seber Yoldyz – Star of Siberia” and “Tatar egete – Jigit” is held the seventh consecutive year. Organizer of the competition – the ...
February 26, Ex.com. of the World Congress of Tatars gathered journalists from nine regions of the Russian Federation, and the most truly Tatar journalist from Kazakhstan’s Semei town Kuptcova Victoria. They will participate in a training seminar and the award ceremony of IV All-Russian contest “Tatar Rukhy һyamm kalyam ” (“Tatar spirit and pen”). Today, journalists attended a presentation, created ...
February 28, as part of the anniversary celebrations to mark the 20th anniversary of the Union of Cinematographers of Bashkortostan in Ufa, in the cinema ” Rodina”, a creative evening of filmmakers of Tatarstan will be held , which will feature documentaries ” Tufan is Tufan ” (director I.Maturov ), who tells about the Tatar playwright, social activist, writer Tatarstan ...
On February 22, this year, participants from more than 20 community councils of Chuvashia municipalities gathered for large Tatar Forum – djien at the “Urmaevsky Information and Cultural Center”, a village Urmaevo of Komsomolsk region. Public Council – education with the participation of the public, which has an internal formalized structure, for which the public authorities and assign certain powers ...
The meeting was held in an expanded format: it was attended not only by branch managers of the Congress of the many towns and districts of the region, but also by active members of the executive committee, chairmen of the national- cultural centers and all, who are not indifferent to the life of social organization. There were several important issues ...
Today in the village Urmaevo based on “Urmaevsky information – cultural center” and mosque “Kara Polat” of Muslim parish № 45б held Forum – djien of public Councils and activists of Tatar villages of the Chuvash Republic. The forum is organized by: Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Chuvash Republic and National-Cultural Autonomy of Tatars of the Chuvash Republic. The ...
A Tatar ensemble “Tugan Yak monnary” – both a famous and a creative team. They are winners of regional, interregional and Russian competitions and parades. The collective participates in the National Forum of creative programs with international participation “The Future of Russia”, projects and programs implemented by the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Over 11 years of creative development ...
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan in Azerbaijan NGO ” Tugan Tel ” hosted the evening in memory of the outstanding Tatar poet, Hero of the Soviet Union Musa Jalil. The gathered were welcomed by a leader of the society Guljan Myasoutova. Presenters throughout the evening told bright, interesting , but at the same time, difficult and tragic fate ...
Under such a motto, Feb. 18, Yevpatoria hosted a Creative evening was held devoted to 108th anniversary of the famous Tatar writer and poet hero of the Soviet Union Musa Jalil (1906 - 1944).