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All-Russian conference “Ethnic tourism and local history as a mechanism of self-identification of Russian Tatars” will be held in Kazan

All-Russian conference “Ethnic tourism and local history as a mechanism of self-identification of Russian Tatars” will be held in Kazan September  11, 2018 The World Congress of Tatars and the Society of Tatar Regional Studies of the Republic of Tatarstan, with the participation of departments and public organizations are holding  in the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan – in ...

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In Mordovia I will take place the I Festival of Tatar mythology

In Mordovia I will take place the I Festival of Tatar mythology September 11, 2018 From August 25, 2018, the Interregional Project of Mordovia and Yamal – # TatMif has started   aimed at organizing new, youth, non-standard events: the illustrations of the characters of Tatar mythology; quest-games; internet marathon; the creation of groups dedicated to Tatar mythology in social networks, ...

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500 thousand and special prize of RT President took the  film “Mulla” from XIV Kazan Film Festival

500 thousand and special prize of RT President took the  film “Mulla” from XIV Kazan Film Festival September 11,  2018 Special prize of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan “For Humanism in Cinema” at the XIV Kazan International Festival of Muslim Cinema was awarded the film “Mullah” of Tatarstan filmmakers Ramilya  Fazlieva and Amir Galiaskarov. Commemorative awards and a ...

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The Kazan Film Festival has  signed an agreement with the Festival of Religious Cinema in Italy

The Kazan Film Festival has  signed an agreement with the Festival of Religious Cinema in Italy September 10, 2018 The Kazan International Muslim Film Festival signed an agreement on partnership with the International Festival “Cinema Religion and Society. Religion – today “, taking place in Italy. The signing ceremony took place today at the press center of XIV KMFMK on ...

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Tatar and Bashkir youth competed in the festive regatta

Tatar and Bashkir youth competed in the festive regatta September 10, 2018 Tatar and Bashkir youth competed at the festive regatta, dedicated to the Day of the City of Moscow. The competition was organized by the Cultural Center “Dom  na Patriarshikh  (Home  on  Patriarchs)” under the auspices of the Moscow City Children’s Marine Center named after Peter the Great and ...

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Rustam Minnikhanov met with the Tatars of Kazakhstan

Rustam Minnikhanov met with the Tatars of Kazakhstan September 08, 2018 As part of the delegation from Tatarstan is  Deputy Prime Minister of the republic, chairman of the National Council of the World Tatar Congress Vasil Shaykhraziev. Today the President of Tatarstan is on a working visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan. As part of the working trip, he met ...

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Tatars of Moscow solemnly opened   the new season

Tatars of Moscow solemnly opened   the new season September 07, 2018 On September 5, a large event of the Tatar community was held at the Tatars  Shtab, dedicated to the main Muslim holiday of Kurban Bairam and the beginning of the new academic year. Also,  on this day, the opening of the new season of the Moscow Tatar Shtab   took ...

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Kazan forum on intercultural dialogue sums up

Kazan forum on intercultural dialogue sums up September  07, 2018 The Kazan UNESCO Forum on Intercultural Dialogue is finishing  its work. Today in the first half of the day at the Kazan Kremlin will be its final meeting. As reported on the official website of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the State Councilor of the Republic of Tatarstan, ...

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