The other day, the I International Singing Competition "Sandugach - Nightingale" organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan in Kazan State University of Culture and Arts finished with a great success
March 21-22, 2014, The Orenburg Tatar national-cultural autonomy and the Regional Centre for Education Development in the Orenburg region held an Interregional seminar of leaders and school teachers with ethno-cultural component, "Ethnocultural Education: Theory practice and prospects for Development ".
On March 13, in Almaty city (Kazakhstan), at the State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after Abay, a unique concert of Tatar music prepared by the troupe to be performed.
Governor of the Ulyanovsk region Sergey Morozov congratulates telecast “Chishma”, aired on local television, with a victory in the All-Russian competition of journalists and the media “Tatar spirit and pen”. “On the 25th year anniversary of show “Chishma” you have proved that you – the best in the business, leaving behind about 100 representatives from 35 regions of the Russian ...
On 104 year old, the oldest Tatar grandma, who lives in the town of Okha Sakhalin Island, an honorary member of the Tatar "Educational and Cultural Center" Tugan Tel "( mother tongue) Minsylu Badrutdinova passed away.
March 16, in Istanbul 's cultural center Emir Ali Effendi, a competition of Tatar beauties "Tatar kyzy 2014" will be held. The event is to held for the first time in this format.
Interregional Olympiad on the Tatar language and literature was held I the capital of Tatarstan. Six representatives from the Omsk region – the winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad, took part in It. The contest “Art of Declamation”, the best has been recognized a pupil of 11th grade of Ulenkulsky secondary school of Bolsherechensky region Rita Potapova. As ...