Home / News / Over 2000 people studied their native language on Beztatarlar online platform
Over 2000 people studied their native language on Beztatarlar online platform

Over 2000 people studied their native language on Beztatarlar online platform

In April 2022, the Muftiate of Tatarstan launched an online platform for teaching the Tatar language. In the first year of work on the site, more than 2,000 people studied their native language.

Beztatarlar is a popular basic Tatar language course that was successfully used in the mosques of Tatarstan in 2018-2021. The online platform was developed by the Khuzur Publishing House of the Spiritual Muslim Board of the Republic of Tatarstan on the basis of the Tatar language course program and the textbook “Tatar language. For beginners”. The online learning resource is aimed at learning the spoken Tatar language, mastering situational lexical sets and developing communication skills.

Anyone can take advantage of the free online lessons of the Beztatarlar platform. To do this, you only need to register using your email or social media account. After successful registration, the portal user gets full and free access to 49 lessons divided into 5 main blocks: on the basics of phonetics and grammar, conversation and dating etiquette, family and home topics, Islamic ethics and religious holidays.

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