Despite all the talk about the possible loss of language and culture by the Tatars, chairman of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars Rinat Zakirov believes that the nation is not in danger of losing main cultural values.
In the city of Kostanai (Kazakhstan), the report and election conference of the Tatar-Bashkir regional center "Duslyk" took place. The new leader d Rinad Bektemirov has been elected
This weekend, the library of the Tatar Cultural Center hosts a concert "Far Away Music", dedicated to the great Tatar singer, People's Artist of Russia and Tatarstan Zuleikha Khismatullina.
Member of the Bureau of the Executive Board of the World Congress of Tatars, director of the Tatar school № 2 named after S. Mardzhani, at KFU, Kazan City Duma deputy Kamaria Zinnurovna Khamidullina has been awarded the title of People's Teacher of Tatarstan.
A soloist of the Kazan group “Murakami” Dilara Vagapova performed on the show “Golos (Voice)”, a song “I’m a soldier” in the Tatar language. The first verse of the famous song of the group “Pyatnitsa” D. Vagapova performed in the Tatar language, and then switched to Russian. After the end of the song, an audience, literally, burst into applause. First ...
Tatarstan Institute of History of the RT Academy of Sciences has presented the first volume of the collected works of the founder of the modern Turkish historiography Akdes Nigmet Kurat "Labels and bitiks of khans of the Golden Horde, Crimea and Turkestan in archives of the Museum Topkapi Palace ", translated into Russian
A month action "105 years G.Tukaya story" What I remember about myself ", dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the creation by G.Tukai the autobiographical novel" What I remember about myself " is held.