The Year of Culture in Novocheboxarsk town (Chuvash Republic) will be rich in events in which the republican and municipal public organizations are to make their contribution. Tatars were the first, who acquainted Novocheboxarsk residents with cultural traditions. They on February 21 marked the World Day of the Native language at the Library named after V.Davydova – Anatra. Librarians prepared ...
Tatarstan deputies uncover background of talks of Russian senators with Crimean Tatar leaders The agency “Tatmedia” held a press conference just returned from a three-day trip to the Crimea five deputies of the RT State Council Rinat Zakirov, Robert Minnullin , Razil Valeev, Viktor Budarin and Rafil Nagumanov, who told about the results of their hard diplomatic mission, what they ...
March 18, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Mari El and the Republican center of Tatar culture are due to hold a roundtable discussion themed "Tatar television millyat hyazinyase"( Tatar language - national treasure).
March 1, 2014, a website has been launched of open regional competition ( Ural Fed.Distr. ) " Seber Yoldyz - Star Siberia " and " Tatar yegete – Dzhigit".
March 2, Governor Sergei Morozov congratulated representatives of the autonomy on their anniversary. The ceremony was attended by deputy of the State Duma , Chairman of Federal National Cultural Autonomy of Tatars Irek Gilmutdinov. Head of the region emphasized an important role that the autonomy plays in preserving language and culture of the Tatar people . “This anniversary you meet ...
Over the years a great job has been done on formation of communities and civil society in the region. Such traditional annual celebrations , as Sabantui moved into the category of citywide celebrations. Autonomy of Tatars of Vladimir region always helps to the elders of the Tatar community, promotes active youth association. Leaders and activists of Tatar autonomy enjoyed great ...
On this day there, here will gather masters of the festive of halal industry. The main conof0Yc96jMlUtingent, who are awaited for the exhibition by organizers - Muslim couples intending to marry.
Traditional and large-scale competition to a new level – now it will be broadcast live to the whole world. And even the preparatory stage – life in a rustic camp will be available online. Open regional competition “Seber Yoldyz – Star of Siberia” and “Tatar egete – Jigit” is held the seventh consecutive year. Organizer of the competition – the ...
February 26, of the World Congress of Tatars gathered journalists from nine regions of the Russian Federation, and the most truly Tatar journalist from Kazakhstan’s Semei town Kuptcova Victoria. They will participate in a training seminar and the award ceremony of IV All-Russian contest “Tatar Rukhy һyamm kalyam ” (“Tatar spirit and pen”). Today, journalists attended a presentation, created ...