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The second season of the Yash Kilen women’s project starts in Kazan

On the 17th day of the month of Rajab (March 12), the second season of the Yash Kilen (Young Daughters- in - Law) women's project has  started in Kazan. In the evening, the first meeting-acquaintance with the project participants took place at the Galeyevsky mosque. The first meeting brought together about 40 representatives of the beautiful half of the Ummah.

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RT deputies asked Putin to take special control of the preservation of languages ​​and cultures

The deputies of the State Council of Tatarstan adopted an appeal to  President of Russia Vladimir Putin, in which they asked to take special control of the legislative regulation of issues related to the preservation of the languages ​​and traditions of the peoples of the country. The decision was made during the eighth meeting of the Parliament of the Republic of VI convocation.

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Festival of Tatar culture “Tatar Bistase” in Samara

On March 15, the Tatar Culture Festival "Tatar Bistase" will be held in Samara. The festival was organized by the Samara Tatar NCA with support of the Samara regional creative public organization “Duslyk” and the Samara Regional Tatar NCA. The event will take place in the Tatar Bistase microdistrict (Zubchaninovka).

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