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Traditional evening of Tatar poetry dedicated to the 135th anniversary of Gabdulla Tukay will take place in St. Petersburg on April 26 This year marks the 135th anniversary of the birth of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay (1886-1913). Tukai is not just a great poet, but a symbol of the history and fate of the entire Tatar people. In the history of Tatar culture, the name of Tukay occupies a special place, comparable to the significance of Pushkin for Russian culture. In connection with this anniversary event, the traditional annual April “Tukaev Readings” will be held in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. On the poet’s birthday, April 26, 2021, in the center of St. Petersburg, in the Tukay square, a traditional evening of Tatar poetry will be held, dedicated to the Day of the Mother Language and the 135th anniversary of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay. The event is held by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Tatarstan in the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region together with the Tatar community of the city. Representatives of the Administration of St. Petersburg, the St. Petersburg House of Nationalities, Tatar national-cultural associations, poets and artists are invited to the “Tukaev Readings”. Also, the event will be attended by honorary guests from Tatarstan. The program of the event: speeches by officials, members of the public, laying flowers at the monument to Tukay, reading poetry. Traditionally, representatives of regional public ethnic and cultural associations will lay baskets of flowers on behalf of their public organizations. The Tatars highly respect Gabdulla Tukay. In our people, a lot reminds us of the great Tatar poet. It is firmly inscribed in the cultural outline of the Northern Capital. Despite a serious illness, in spring of 1912 Tukay decided to take a long journey along the Ufa – Petersburg route. Tukay arrived in St. Petersburg on the 20th of April 1912 at the invitation of the Tatar community and with the aim of receiving medical treatment. He stopped at the address: Kazanskaya street, house 5. In the capital of Russia, he meets with editor of the newspaper “Nur” A. Bayazitov, with other representatives of the Tatar community. They say that the great is seen at a distance. In those years, many wealthy Tatars of the capital did not manage to see the future unfading glory of the Tatar people in a fragile, sickly young man. He did not receive the necessary attention, prompt and timely help, which the poet needed. In our cold, humid, windy climate, the poet became even worse. Having lived in St. Petersburg for only 13 days, on May 6 (19) Tukay left the capital and returned to Kazan. By decision of the leadership of St. Petersburg and the Republic of Tatarstan, in order to perpetuate the memory of Gabdulla Tukai in St. Petersburg, in the area of the former Tatar settlement, a monument to the poet was erected (now, Tukai Square, on Zverinskaya Street), which was opened on June 25, 2006. Sculptors of the monument – Akhnaf Ziyakaev and Jan Neumann, architect Stanislav Pavlovich. In 2007, a memorial plaque was installed on the building of house 5, Kazanskaya St., where the poet stayed for a short time during his trip to the capital. Every year, on the poet’s birthday, representatives of the Tatar community gather at the monument to Gabdulla Tukai, lay flowers, remember episodes from the poet’s life, read his poems. We invite everyone to take part in the evening of Tatar poetry. The event starts at 12 noon. Participants of the event must comply with all sanitary and epidemiological safety measures.

In connection with this anniversary event, the traditional annual April "Tukaev Readings" will be held in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

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