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Muslim women were told about Tatar-Muslim traditions and taught to sing lullabies at the Muslim Religious Board of Tatartsan December 04, 2020 The final lesson this season was held within the framework of the Yash Kilen project implemented by Religious Board of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan in order to strengthen family values among Muslim youth. This project raises various issues related to marriage from the point of view of Sharia and Tatar national traditions. The last lesson was devoted to the discussion of Tatar-Muslim customs. The meeting was also broadcast live on the closed account of the Yash Kilen project on the Internet, since not only Muslim women from Kazan, but also Tatar girls from regions such as Moscow, Ufa, Penza, Chelyabinsk – about forty young Muslim women took part. The meeting noted connection between the national traditions of the Tatar people and the Islamic religion, as well as the important role of traditions in the preservation of Sharia. In this regard, Aigul Biktimirova, head of the social department of the Religious Department of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan, noted marked the outstanding Tatar theologian Shigabutdin Mardzhani said: “There are no three things in religion, but they preserve religion. This is the national mother tongue, national dress and national traditions ”. The meeting, held in a warm atmosphere, focused on Tatar customs associated with the emergence of a new life – a child. The future young daughters-in-law listened with great interest to everything new, from time to time and themselves entering into a conversation. “We must pass on our traditions to our children. Let’s educate our children on the values of Islam, relying on our national customs, ”Aigul Aliyeva called on young Muslim women. During the conversation, together with moderator, they were looking for an answer to the question “When to start raising a child?” The answers were different, but the conclusion was unanimous: with the choice of a spouse with whom you will have to go along the path of life. On this occasion, Aigul Aliyeva gave her advice, guided by the rules that are reflected in Islam. It is necessary to ask the Almighty to send a God-fearing spouse – you need to read the Noble Qur’an (in this case, Sura Anbia, verse 89) and make dua, perform namaz-istikhara. It is also recommended to find out his relatives and friends, his family tree. The meeting also discussed such important traditions as the recitation of nikah to create a Muslim family, akyyka (sacrifice after the birth of a child) – two rams for a boy, one ram for a girl, naming, shaving hair seven days after birth and giving alms in the form of silver , circumcision, heating of a bath, a holiday of a cradle and others. The wisdom of these customs has been elucidated from both a religious and a scientific point of view. Also, young Muslim women were provided with fascinating information about the majlis (Koryen ashlars), which are now widespread among the Tatars. As you know, these majlises played a great role in the preservation of religion during the years of Soviet atheism. Sermons are narrated on these “ash”, through them information about the values of Islam is transmitted in an accessible form to all, and family relations are preserved. It should be noted that the sessions of the Yash Kilen project were organized not only to provide useful information, but were useful from a practical point of view. The final lesson was no exception: at a round table, young Muslim women drank tea with Tatar belesh (large meat pie), which for many centuries testifies to the hospitality of the Tatar people, and also learned to sing lullabies. dumrt.ru

 December  04, 2020 The final lesson this season was held within the framework of the Yash Kilen project implemented by Religious Board   of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan in order to strengthen family values ​​among Muslim youth. This project raises various issues related to marriage from the point of view of Sharia and Tatar national traditions. The last lesson was devoted to the discussion of Tatar-Muslim customs. The meeting was also broadcast live on the closed account of the Yash Kilen project on the Internet, since not only Muslim women from Kazan, but also Tatar girls from regions such as Moscow, Ufa, Penza, Chelyabinsk - about forty young Muslim women took part. The meeting noted  connection between the national traditions of the Tatar people and the Islamic religion, as well as the important role of traditions in the preservation of Sharia. In this regard, Aigul Biktimirova, head of the social department of the Religious  Department of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan, noted marked  the outstanding Tatar theologian Shigabutdin Mardzhani said: “There are no three things in religion, but they preserve religion. This is the national mother tongue, national dress and national traditions ”. The meeting, held in a warm atmosphere, focused on Tatar customs associated with the emergence of a new life - a child. The future young daughters-in-law listened with great interest to everything new, from time to time and themselves entering into a conversation. “We must pass on our traditions to our children. Let's educate our children on the values ​​of Islam, relying on our national customs, ”Aigul Aliyeva called on young Muslim women. During the conversation, together with moderator,  they were looking for an answer to the question "When to start raising a child?" The answers were different, but the conclusion was unanimous: with the choice of a spouse with whom you will have to go along the path of life. On this occasion, Aigul Aliyeva gave her advice, guided by the rules that are reflected in Islam. It is necessary to ask the Almighty to send a God-fearing spouse - you need to read the Noble Qur'an (in this case, Sura Anbia, verse 89) and make dua, perform namaz-istikhara. It is also recommended to find out his relatives and friends, his family tree. The meeting also discussed such important traditions as the recitation of nikah to create a Muslim family, akyyka (sacrifice after the birth of a child) - two rams for a boy, one ram for a girl, naming, shaving hair seven days after birth and giving alms in the form of silver , circumcision, heating of a bath, a holiday of a cradle and others. The wisdom of these customs has been elucidated from both a religious and a scientific point of view. Also, young Muslim women were provided with fascinating information about the majlis (Koryen ashlars), which are now widespread among the Tatars. As you know, these majlises played a great role in the preservation of religion during the years of Soviet atheism. Sermons are narrated on these "ash", through them information about the values ​​of Islam is transmitted in an accessible form to all, and family relations are preserved. It should be noted that the sessions of the Yash Kilen project were organized not only to provide useful information, but were useful from a practical point of view. The final lesson was no exception: at a round table, young Muslim women drank tea with Tatar belesh (large meat pie), which for many centuries testifies to the hospitality of the Tatar people, and also learned to sing lullabies. dumrt.ru Muslim women were told about Tatar-Muslim traditions and taught to sing lullabies at the Muslim Religious  Board  of Tatartsan

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